Tag: Financial Advisor

Unveiling the Secrets to a Truly Successful Retirement for Women (Ep. 15)

Unveiling the Secrets to a Truly Successful Retirement for Women (Ep. 15)

What if there’s much more to women’s retirement planning than you ever imagined? 

We’ve got some surprises in store for you.

Join us for a captivating episode of the Simply Retirement podcast with host Eric Blake, as he dives into the nuances of retirement planning specifically for women. Joined by Dr. Karen Midyet, a renowned clinical psychologist specializing in retirement and aging, they dissect the intricate blend of financial and emotional elements crucial to a woman’s retirement journey.

Episode Highlights:

  • Uncover the art of building vibrant social networks post-retirement
  • Learn how activities like pickleball and community engagement can transform socializing in retirement
  • Explore how educational pursuits, from online to university-level, can reinvent your retirement experience
  • Dive into Dr. Midyet’s innovative approach to mental, physical, and nutritional wellness for retirees
  • Understand why planning in your 50s is pivotal for a fulfilling retirement
  • Realize your retirement dreams with the power of personalized coaching
  • Plus, much more insightful content!


Connect with Eric Blake: 

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About our Guest: 

Dr. Karen L. Midyet, Psy.D., is a Clinical Psychologist and Retirement and Aging Coach with a career spanning over 45 years. Specializing in life, career, retirement, and aging, she operates from the Denver metro area but extends her services remotely to clients across the US and Canada.

Karen is the visionary behind Coaching Aging Adults, LLC, a practice dedicated to assisting aging clients in developing life purpose and addressing issues related to isolation and loss. She also conducts workshops, online courses, and retreats to assist older adults as they prepare for retirement, facilitating emotional adjustment and planning for their Next Act, be it an Encore Career, volunteering, or grandparenting.

Dr. Midyet’s mental health practice aids adults coping with life transitions, emotional problems, acute or chronic medical illnesses, and personal issues related to traumatic events or family history. She also consults with mental health professionals and facilities on best practices for aging adults. She contributed significantly in her roles as President of Colorado Professional Psychological Group and Chief Psychologist at the Institute of Motivational Development, providing invaluable consultation, supervision, and clinical training in diverse areas such as underachievement, stress management, ADHD, anxiety, and depression. She also was past President of the Psychology Group and on the Board for Bethesda Psychiatric Hospital during its transition to Health One. 

As a forerunner in her field, Karen’s multifaceted approach and innovative techniques have enabled profound personal growth and enhanced well-being among her clients, Her methodologies and client-centered approach position her as a thought leader, with her insights being highly sought after for consultation and podcasts.

Beyond her extensive professional pursuits, Karen is deeply passionate about fostering a balanced and enriching lifestyle and continues to be a beacon of inspiration and support to many aspiring to navigate the complexities of aging and retirement effectively.

Navigating the Financial Labyrinth: Why the Right Questions Can Save Your Retirement (Ep. 6)

Navigating the Financial Labyrinth: Why the Right Questions Can Save Your Retirement (Ep. 6)

Ever wondered if you’re just one question away from safeguarding your retirement? Dive in and discover the power of asking the RIGHT questions.

In this episode, Eric Blake delves deep into the maze of retirement distribution planning. Every decision, every distribution, has consequences—some of which you might not see coming. With retirement assets on the line, do you have the assurance that you’re asking the right questions?

Tune in as Eric discusses:

  • The ever-evolving world of tax laws and the intricacies of beneficiary designations: Are you updated?
  • Trusting your financial advisor: The pivotal questions to ask and strategies to keep you ahead of the curve.
  • Navigating the vast ocean of retirement planning: Knowing where to cast your net for the right answers. And much more!

Step into an enlightening conversation that not only highlights the importance of expertise but also equips you with the tools to safeguard your financial future. Don’t miss out!



Connect with Eric Blake: 

What Are Your Investing Principles? (Ep. 5)

What Are Your Investing Principles? (Ep. 5)

Ladies, have you ever wondered what sets apart financially empowered women from the rest? Picture this: the key to unlocking your financial potential lies in a captivating parallel that resonates with your daily lives—a vibrant, healthy lifestyle. Just as an apple a day keeps the doctor away, did you know that monitoring and nurturing your investments can empower you with long-term financial success?

In this episode, Eric Blake reveals the secrets to harnessing the true potential of your investments. Prepare to be inspired as Eric emphasizes the vital importance of having a clear-cut plan, aligning your investments with your unique financial purpose and goals. But that’s not all.

In this episode, Eric discusses: 

  • The profound significance of considering the time horizon for your investments and, most importantly, staying steadfast, even amidst the unpredictable tides of market volatility
  • Why you should avoid making emotional investing decisions based on short term fluctuations in the market 
  • What portfolio management costs look like and the upkeep that it may have 
  • The importance of finding a financial advisor who understands retirement income planning
  • …And so much more!



Connect with Eric Blake: 

Preparing for Retirement: Seven Essential Strategies for Successful Investing in Retirement (Ep. 3)

Preparing for Retirement: Seven Essential Strategies for Successful Investing in Retirement (Ep. 3)

Investment planning is only one part of creating a successful retirement. What you want is to create a secure investment plan that will protect your retirement income and ensure you reach your retirement goals.

In this episode, Eric Blake focuses on investment planning for retirement. He shares tips and insight on securing a retirement income that will survive no matter what the market throws at it and ensure a successful financial future.

Eric discusses: 

  • How retirement planning has changed over the past few decades
  • The seven essential strategies for a successful investment during retirement
  • How the division of asset types impacts investment success
  • Why tax planning is critical to increasing the income kept after withdrawing from a retirement account
  • And more



Connect with Eric Blake: 

The Simply Retirement Roadmap™ Process (Ep. 2)

The Simply Retirement Roadmap™ Process (Ep. 2)

Planning for retirement is an essential part of our financial journey, but it can be daunting and uncertain at times.

That is when working with experts may be an ideal option, but it’s crucial to have clear details of how the process will be.

In this episode, Eric Blake introduces the Simply Retirement Roadmap process. The process aims to simplify retirement planning and alleviate one’s future concerns. Eric details every stage of the process and the topics discussed in each interaction. Additionally, he explains the benefits of working with Blake Wealth Management and the importance of creating a long-term relationship.

Eric discusses: 

  • The concept of Simply Retirement and the origins of the Simply Retirement Roadmap Process
  • The Simply Retirement Process and how it alleviates concerns about working with a financial advisor
  • The purpose and content of the first meeting
  • The second meeting where Eric presents a roadmap with specific recommendations for improving financial position and achieving retirement goals
  • The four key areas of retirement planning
  • The three key questions in retirement planning
  • The implementation process and decision-making steps after creating a retirement plan
  • And more!



Connect with Eric Blake: 

Introducing The Simply Retirement Podcast: Meet Host Eric Blake (Ep. 1)

Introducing The Simply Retirement Podcast: Meet Host Eric Blake (Ep. 1)

Are you ready to step into the realm of retirement planning and financial guidance?

Introducing the Simply Retirement Podcast!

Prepare to be captivated by the captivating inaugural episode of the Simply Retirement Podcast! Join us as Eric Blake, a seasoned financial planning expert, shares his extraordinary journey and invaluable background in the realm of finance. Brace yourself for an intimate glimpse into the challenges he encountered during his early years as a financial advisor and the invaluable lessons he learned along the way.

Unveiling his unwavering passion for retirement income planning, Eric sheds light on the paramount significance of comprehending social security benefits and how it can shape our financial destinies. But that’s not all—prepare to be inspired as he reveals his personal hobbies and his resolute commitment to assisting individuals, particularly women, in navigating their financial endeavors with confidence and success.

In this episode Eric discusses: 

  • How retirement income planning positively impacts his clients and the importance of financial organization during this crucial stage of life
  • His passion for helping women achieve retirement, especially those who have gone through a divorce or have been widowed
  • Exploring the potential benefits of Social Security and its transformative impact on your financial future
  • The significant influence a skilled financial advisor can have on their clients and their families’ lives
  • Unraveling the three essential elements of the retirement puzzle, masterfully pieced together by Eric
  • A sneak peek into the meticulous process employed by Blake Wealth Management when working with prospective clients
  • And more!



Connect with Eric Blake: