Tag: Investment Strategies

Navigating Social Security and Retirement Planning for Caregivers (Ep. 19)

Navigating Social Security and Retirement Planning for Caregivers (Ep. 19)

Are you a caregiver (or will be) with concerns about your financial future? 

In a compelling episode of The Simply Retirement Podcast, host Eric Blake turns the spotlight on women’s unique retirement planning needs, especially for those who are serving as a caregiver or very likely will be one day. Caregivers often face specific challenges that can drastically alter their financial future. As a seasoned financial professional specializing in retirement planning, Eric explores the specific challenges women encounter when taking on the honorable role of caregiver for parents, family, or close friends. This interview comes from a special Virtual Caregivers Conference hosted by Jeannie Dougherty, certified money coach. The conference was a passion project for Jeannie designed to support both caregivers and their families and was inspired by Jeannie’s 11 years serving as a caregiver for her parents, who both suffered from Alzheimer’s. 

Key Insights:

  • Savvy Social Security Planning: Learn the importance of understanding Social Security, highlighting nuances in eligibility for various benefits
  • Case Study Insight: Eric presents a poignant case study of a widow facing financial difficulties, emphasizing the need for personalized financial planning
  • Navigating Early Retirement: Explore the implications of early retirement decisions on Social Security and health insurance
  • The Emotional Factor: Recognize the significant emotional stress caregivers endure, underlining the crucial role of professional financial advice
  • Simply Retirement Roadmap: Eric introduces a structured planning process for comprehensive retirement planning
  • Social Security for Divorcees: Clarify eligibility requirements for ex-spouse benefits and potential Social Security policy changes
  • Full Retirement Age and Work: Highlight the importance of understanding full retirement age and its implications on benefits
  • And much more!


Connect with Eric Blake: 

Connect with Jeannie Doughtery: 

About Jeannie Doughtery: 

As a determined woman ready to positively impact the world, Jeannie Dougherty continues to help people from all walks of life. She is a coveted counselor, certified money coach, mental fitness coach, and speaker.

She graduated with a master’s degree in counseling from Ottawa University. She graduated from the prestigious Money Coaching Institute as a Certified Money Coach for Individuals, Couples, and Businesses. She’s passionate about her area of expertise, and Jeannie set forth on her quest to do great things.

Moreover, she works with businesses, individuals, and couples to help them find better ways to reach their goals. Over the years, her efforts have earned her a reputation among clients who are ever eager to vouch for her holistic services.

She graduated with a master’s degree in counseling from Ottawa University. She graduated from the prestigious Money Coaching Institute as a Certified Money Coach for Individuals, Couples, and Businesses. She is also a former Federal Retirement Readiness professional. She’s passionate about her area of specialty, and Jeannie set forth on her quest to do great things. Evidently, her perspective on life is simple, and she’s wholly gentle in her approach to the clients. That’s precisely why her customer base continues to grow today.

You see, both of her parents passed away from Alzheimer’s. She spent 11 years of her adult life being a caregiver, dealing with financial and healthcare decisions with her family and their providers.

Her parents’ financial journeys were different, as well as how their diseases manifested. Jeannie understands why lots of folks who become caregivers overnight have their money-handling skills and financial psychology shifts.

Preparing for Retirement: Seven Essential Strategies for Successful Investing in Retirement (Ep. 3)

Preparing for Retirement: Seven Essential Strategies for Successful Investing in Retirement (Ep. 3)

Investment planning is only one part of creating a successful retirement. What you want is to create a secure investment plan that will protect your retirement income and ensure you reach your retirement goals.

In this episode, Eric Blake focuses on investment planning for retirement. He shares tips and insight on securing a retirement income that will survive no matter what the market throws at it and ensure a successful financial future.

Eric discusses: 

  • How retirement planning has changed over the past few decades
  • The seven essential strategies for a successful investment during retirement
  • How the division of asset types impacts investment success
  • Why tax planning is critical to increasing the income kept after withdrawing from a retirement account
  • And more



Connect with Eric Blake: 

The Simply Retirement Roadmap™ Process (Ep. 2)

The Simply Retirement Roadmap™ Process (Ep. 2)

Planning for retirement is an essential part of our financial journey, but it can be daunting and uncertain at times.

That is when working with experts may be an ideal option, but it’s crucial to have clear details of how the process will be.

In this episode, Eric Blake introduces the Simply Retirement Roadmap process. The process aims to simplify retirement planning and alleviate one’s future concerns. Eric details every stage of the process and the topics discussed in each interaction. Additionally, he explains the benefits of working with Blake Wealth Management and the importance of creating a long-term relationship.

Eric discusses: 

  • The concept of Simply Retirement and the origins of the Simply Retirement Roadmap Process
  • The Simply Retirement Process and how it alleviates concerns about working with a financial advisor
  • The purpose and content of the first meeting
  • The second meeting where Eric presents a roadmap with specific recommendations for improving financial position and achieving retirement goals
  • The four key areas of retirement planning
  • The three key questions in retirement planning
  • The implementation process and decision-making steps after creating a retirement plan
  • And more!



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