Tag: Women

The Simply Retirement Roadmap™ Process (Ep. 2)

The Simply Retirement Roadmap™ Process (Ep. 2)

Planning for retirement is an essential part of our financial journey, but it can be daunting and uncertain at times.

That is when working with experts may be an ideal option, but it’s crucial to have clear details of how the process will be.

In this episode, Eric Blake introduces the Simply Retirement Roadmap process. The process aims to simplify retirement planning and alleviate one’s future concerns. Eric details every stage of the process and the topics discussed in each interaction. Additionally, he explains the benefits of working with Blake Wealth Management and the importance of creating a long-term relationship.

Eric discusses: 

  • The concept of Simply Retirement and the origins of the Simply Retirement Roadmap Process
  • The Simply Retirement Process and how it alleviates concerns about working with a financial advisor
  • The purpose and content of the first meeting
  • The second meeting where Eric presents a roadmap with specific recommendations for improving financial position and achieving retirement goals
  • The four key areas of retirement planning
  • The three key questions in retirement planning
  • The implementation process and decision-making steps after creating a retirement plan
  • And more!



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